Perfect Discussion/Incident for SAP SNC

Dear Experts,

After spending so many years in SAP SCM-SNC area, i decided to write this blog post.

SAP SCM product is developed involving SAP ERP’s experience by SAP team. This product born due to requirements on detail level planning where gets better and better in every release. Of course there is long way to discover for most of the areas.

While making implementations, we have faced several problems from functional point to technical level involving performance issues.

General issues observed in this area is mostly divided into 4 parts:

  • Functional Issues/Bugs
  • Integration Problems
  • Extension Requirements
  • Performance Issues on every level

As an experienced SNC consultant, you always need to struggle to create solutions for these issues. While looking forward for the resolutions, you need to define the problem very well to reach the finish line.

My personal way to define the problem is:

1- Define your system environment: Functional area, service pack, active business functions & active custom codes (BADI, Enhancement, Repair…). Your problem can be caused due to system level differences or custom program logics.

2- Replicate the issue in Quality Environment: If there is an issue then it should be replicable. This replication can differ according to time horizon of the planning, system load and used functionalities. Only the %5 to %10 of the issues can be found only in live environment.

3- Set of Data: SAP SCM functionalities generally executes high amount of data. You need to decrease level of data to debug, test and find out problematic area. Otherwise you will see huge level of data which will make your life harder to find the real cause.

4- Use standard system trace tools: SAP serves standard system tools to trace the problem. These applications can help you to define the issue much more correctly.

5- OSS Notes & SAP SCN: After finding the root cause you need to search for the resolution. Maybe you can not find the exact problem’s resolution but it show you clues which will take you to the solution.

In addition to these findings, you can check the OSS notes to keep it as your reference.

2151502 – How to create the perfect incident for SCM-ICH component and subcomponents

I’m looking forward to hear your personal thoughts.


Yazar: Selim Batur

Yazar: S4C